color coordinate中文什么意思

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  1. Color coordinate transformation
  2. Standard practice for calculating yellowness and whiteness indices from instrumentally measured color coordinates
  3. Standard practice for calculation of color tolerances and color differences from instrumentally measured color coordinates
  4. Based on the preliminary knowledge of color coordinate , color space and color difference , in chapter 4 , we focus on the image preprocessing , that is the gamut mapping between the color paper and the crt displayed image . color correction and its realization of our lcos digital image print head are also given in this chapter
  5. In allusion to the drawbacks of the method which are the lower computing rapidity , and the sensitivity to the lighting condition , we present that we make the kl - based skin color coordinate system as the first step efface detecting . by this way , we can eliminate a great deal of non - face areas , and then use templates to search for faces in images , in the end , determinate whether the candidate area has a face or not according to validating rules


  1. color control scale 什么意思
  2. color controls class 什么意思
  3. color conversion 什么意思
  4. color conversion filter 什么意思
  5. color converter 什么意思
  6. color coordinate system 什么意思
  7. color coordinate transformation 什么意思
  8. color coordinetion 什么意思
  9. color copier 什么意思
  10. color copy machine 什么意思


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